Isabela Erdelean arbeitet im Austrian Institute of Technology, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology im Center for Mobility Systems, Transportation .
Sie wird am 28. September 2019 bei der European Researchers Night im TGM – Schule der Technik sich den Fragen der Schülerinnen und Schüler stellen.
Im Center forschen und entwickeln Forscherinnen und Forscher aus den unterschiedlichsten Forschungsdisziplinen in den Themenbereichen Mobilitätsdatenerhebung, Personenstromanalysen, Mobilitätsverhalten, Verkehrsplanung, Simulation und Vorhersagemodelle, Verkehrssicherheit, Baudynamik und Akustik, Verkehrsinfrastruktur sowie Logik und Optimierung des Verkehrs.
Wir haben ihr im Vorfeld zur Veranstaltung Fragen gestellt.
Sie hat unsere Fragen auf Englisch beantwortet.
What did I like most when I was a Teenager?
What I liked most was to read, go out with my friends, listen to music.
My favorite subject at school was: Mathematics and Geography.
I would choose this study now: Aviation Engineering
My role model is:
There won’t be only one person that you would be able to say “I want to be just like them” or that they’re perfect in everything that they do. Therefore, I don’t have a role model, I prefer to take things and examples from multiple persons. Some examples include:
- Malala Yousifazi (for her power to turn tragedy into activism at such a young age)
- Elon Musk (for being crazy courageous and having vision)
- Barack Obama (for being patient and wise)
- Stefan Deix ((a former colleague); for his drive to succeed to one of the top influencing positions in our field)
- Roger Federer (for always being elegant and fair play, in sport and in life)
Research is for me:
The power to find out what’s needed to make something better, what are the gaps in knowledge in a specific field and develop tools and methods to make it better.
What I would like to invent:
- Crazy version: a teleportation device
- Realistic version: a better method to persuade drivers to follow the rules of traffic
My research Topic:
What I’m working on right now::
Connected and automated driving – automated vehicles, their impact on safety and efficiency; the infrastructure adaptations needed to accommodate both automated and non-automated vehicles on the road; the impact on driver behaviour and other traffic participants (bicyclists, pedestrians)
I would like to give young people their career choices along the way:
Make your research and find out your possibilities for the future. If you aren’t attracted to a narrow topic such as Architecture, Medicine, Law (which means you would go to a specific university and a specific job), then search thoroughly and find out what are the potential topics which you could study, how would that translate into a job and how much you would like doing it.
I would like to address this prejudice in Research:
- That if you’re an Engineer, you should know everything technical from how the TV works, how the signal goes from a phone to another, to the motor of a car, to the electrical system in your house.
- That women are not as good at technical “stuff” as men.
My favourite Youtube-Video:
(Bach Concert for 2 violins in D minor – Zuckerman/Perlman (and the reason why I’m taking violin courses at 30 years old)